You play as a hobo in the air vents of an office building, however the owners of this building think there are raccoons in the ventilation system, so they decided to poison the air ducts (This lore totally makes sense). Find the code in time to stop them.

The code can be found on the computers, in trash cans and in some potted plants. You need to find the full code sequence and input it into the large machine in the security room. Do it in time or suffer the consequences.


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I swear I can only find 2-3 digits tops am I missing something? Also, what’s the deal with the red/green things on the wall?

The digits can be found in the taller potted plants, trash cans and the computers. On the computers, the apps are clickable, and sometimes part of the codes are in there. 

The red/green things on the wall control the ventilation, green means it's on in that room, red means off. If the ventilation annoys you, you can turn it off, but it differs by room, and if even 1 room is on, then the ventilation stays on.


The cursor is almost invisible and I don't want to fix it. ˙◠˙